Sunday, December 7, 2008

Quick Golf Tips

Quick Golf Tips: Improve Your Golf Putting

Great putting is like an art, not every golfer do put perfectly. If you practise you’re putting techniques just as much than you practise with your golf swing, you will save a lot of strokes. Golf putting is a lot of feeling. What do you feel?

Golf putting is just about the half of the golf game. So there is a good reason for you to work more with your putting? The put stroke is a lot about feeling, but there is also some technique to take care of, about the feeling you have the length of the stroke, is it going down hill, or a up hill put , reading the fall in the green and the grain in the grass.

Grain on the grass should give more resistance, therefore a less feet distance and the ball will stop. Striking the ball with the grain there is less resistance, and the ball will move faster.

About the techniques there is quite a lot different way’s of putting technique, but a quick golf tip is to keep the putter head square on the line to the hole in impact, and keep your eyes steady on the ball also after you have hit the ball true all the swing. All these thinks are important, and when done properly, they become into one “feel”. Golf putting is a very important part of golf play. Don’t think about t to read the green until you become good with the pace of the ball to the right distance.

Golf putting can give you big frustrating. If you have a good golf putting ability, you can finish your game well. Golf putting is just an other skill like pitching and chipping but until you get the skills in place, putting can be a very frustrating.

Putting is its oven game in the play that only few golfer’s truly is good at. It's where five feet can feel like 210 yards and the good days and bad days are separated by 5-15 strokes. Putting is its own. It’s more sensory, tactile, than any other golf stroke. Its round feel, stroke, speed and distance. Putting is more than just hitting on a straight line; it is a serious part of feel and technique. Golf putting can create more trouble for you than good is.

If you're a normal golfer, you have been on the hunt for your best golf putting. Overall, investing in putting lessons will greatly improve your putting and your golf game.

Peter Kristoff. I started playing Golf 35 years ago. I am so dedicated to the game that I am still able to improve my Golf Putting Stroke and play to a steady 6 handicap. I hope you can use my Article about Golf Putting. For more Info.. Visit my site Quick Golf Tips.
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Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quick Golf Tips

Golf Putting
Yet an average golfer takes 43% their shots putting! That means you're using your putter twice as much as any other club in your bag.
And that's why this seemingly odd technique is your complete key to great putting... But more on that in a minute, because you absolutely have to understand why your putting game is so important.Think about this for a minute:300 yard drive + a perfect approach shot + 3 putts = BOGEY.
Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Quick Golf Tips

Product Review for:


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Then I discovered this simple golflesson "The Four Secret Magic Moves"The first lesson helped me, I found the magic move, I'm hitting the balllonger and straighter now and I'm back to shooting in the low 80s. Im a happyman now and enjoying golf again. This is by far the best golflesson I've hadand I've had a lot.

I'm going to send you a Free illustrated 60 page PDF Report, 14 mins Video and 19 mins Audio explaining the first of the four magic moves that the pros keep to themselves. You also get free audio tips! Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips

Quick Golf Tips

Product Review

Golf Fitness
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Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips

Quick Golf Tips

Product Review

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Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips

Quick Golf Tips

Product Review

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Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips

Quick Golf Tips

Product Review
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Peter Kristoff. Quick Golf Tips